Major changes on the horizon for the Active Investor Plus visa

Elly Fleming

10 February 2025

To attract more high-value investors and stimulate economic growth, New Zealand’s Active Investor Plus (AIP) visa, also known colloquially as the ‘Golden Visa’, is set for a major shakeup. 

The upcoming adjustments, effective from 1 April, are expected to make New Zealand’s investor visa program more globally competitive and more appealing to wealthy migrant investors compared to similar visas available in other countries.  

The revised visa framework will become simplified and more flexible, introducing two streamlined investment categories for applicants: Growth and Balanced. 

For the Growth category, investors must: 

  • Spend a minimum of 21 days in the country 
  • Invest for three years 
  • Invest at least $5 million NZD into higher-risk investments such as direct investments in New Zealand businesses or managed funds.  

For the Balanced category, investors must: 

  • Spend 105 days in the country unless eligible for a reduction in this time by investing more than the required amount into direct investments or managed funds. This time can be reduced by 14 days with a $11 million NZD investment, 28 days for a $12 million NZD investment, or 42 days for a $13 million NZD investment
  • Invest for five years 
  • Invest a minimum of $10 million NZD into bonds, listed equities, new property developments, existing commercial or industrial property developments, philanthropy, direct investments, or managed funds. 

Previously, the AIP criteria included an English language proficiency requirement. This will be eliminated, making the visa more accessible to a wider range of international investors.  

This reform is set to create new opportunities for investors seeking to qualify for residence in New Zealand. However, applicants should carefully assess their eligibility under the revised criteria before submitting visa applications to Immigration New Zealand.  

The full policy details and revised visa criteria are yet to be published. We will continue to monitor and report on the latest developments. We recommend that interested parties subscribe to our publications for regular updates.  

If you are considering applying for the Active Investor Plus visa or want to know more, we can assist with your application and the visa process.  We are experts in this area and can give you advice on your particular circumstances or help you navigate these changes as they come into effect in April.  

We offer an initial, free 15-minute consultation to discuss your unique situation.  Book your consultation with us today by clicking here

Another year of reform for the Accredited Employer Work Visa scheme – what changes can migrant workers and Kiwi employers expect? 

Lavinia Askin

24 January 2025

Yet another overhaul of the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) scheme was announced in late 2024, with a progression of new changes set to roll out from 27 January.  

The new changes will include the upcoming removal of the median wage threshold, a reduction in experience requirements, the introduction of new seasonal visa pathways and a redesign of the Job Check process.  

In a bid to lessen the administrative pressures on AEWV applicants and Immigration New Zealand (INZ), and address crucial labour shortages in key industries, the New Zealand government will implement these changes in five different stages over the course of the year.  

27 January
Eliminating the requirements for completion of Employment New Zealand online modules 
Accredited employers will no longer need to complete Employment New Zealand’s online modules or offer migrant workers paid time to do these. INZ will instead provide links to freely available Employment New Zealand or INZ webpages that set out employment rights and obligations at the most appropriate points in the immigration process. 
Reducing the domestic workforce threshold for certain construction roles 
The domestic workforce threshold for employers of certain construction roles will drop from 35% to 15%, making it easier for employers in the construction sector to hire migrant workers in these roles. 
March (exact date yet to be confirmed) 
Abolition of the median wage requirement 
Wage thresholds for all AEWV and Specific Purpose Work Visa (SPWV) roles will be abolished, although employers will still need to advertise and offer AEWV and SPWV employees the current market rate for their position. Employment agreements already signed by both parties are not impacted by this change.
Simplified labour market test – adjustment to engagement with Work and Income for lower skilled roles
The current requirement for employers to engage with the Work and Income will be adjusted to be declaration based. Going forward employers will be required to declare that they have, in good faith, advertised ANZSCO skill level 4 or 5 jobs with Work and Income and interviewed candidates who could have been suitable for the job. The mandatory 21-day timeframe to engage with Work and Income will be abolished, saving employers time.
New earning threshold for migrant workers with dependents 
AEWV visa holders will need to earn at least NZ$55,844 annually to be able to support their children’s student visa or visitor visa applications. While this threshold has not been updated since 2019, the increase is likely to pose barriers for migrant employees in lower paying sectors.   
Reducing the work experience requirement for migrant workers 
The work experience requirement for migrant workers will be reduced from three years to two.  Currently, it’s not entirely clear whether this reduction will apply only to lower skilled roles (ANSCO level 4 and 5) or across the board. We are waiting for INZ to release the policy details.  
Increasing the visa duration for ANZSCO level 4 or 5 AEWV holders to three years 
AEWV holders in ANZSCO levels 4 or 5 roles will gain visas valid for three years, up from two years (with the option of one additional year). This increased duration aligns with the total allowable stay in New Zealand for these visa holders. Those currently on a two-year visa will be able to apply for a further AEWV for one year if they meet the requirements. This change will offer more stability and certainty for employers and migrant workers.
April (exact date yet to be confirmed) 
Greater work rights for those on interim visas 
Interim work rights will be extended to AEWV applicants who are applying from any work visa type or from a student visa that allows them to work during term time, supporting migrants to maintain employment while their visa is processed. 
July (exact date yet to be confirmed) 
New Job Check process  
INZ’s re-design of the Job Check step of the AEWV process will be implemented from July. The changes will help streamline the Job Check for low-risk employers with the aim of improving processing timeframes.  
November (exact date yet to be confirmed) 
New pathways for experienced seasonal workers 
In November, two new pathways for seasonal workers will be launched: a three-year multi-entry visa for experienced workers and a seven-month single-entry visa for lower-skilled workers. The current temporary seasonal pathways will continue to be available until that time.

Overall, these changes are a significant step forward, removing some hoops for accredited employers to jump through and making it easier to fill vacancies in a range of industries.  

On the other hand, the biggest stumbling block of not being able to submit Job Check and AEWV applications at the same time remains.  We are finding that many migrant employees need to apply for alternative visas (such as Visitor Visas) or leave New Zealand while waiting for Job Check applications to be approved, causing burden and anxiety for employers and migrants alike. 

We highly recommend that migrant workers and their employers plan ahead to avoid work visas expiring before Job Check applications can be processed by INZ.  

Although the revised criteria has been designed by the New Zealand government to create new opportunities for migrant workers and ultimately speed up some parts of the application process, AEWV applicants and their employers are still advised to carefully assess their specific situation against the updated requirements and seek professional immigration advice prior to submitting their applications to give themselves the best possible chance of a positive outcome.  

Our team can help you navigate these changes. We offer an initial, free 15-minute consultation to discuss your unique situation.  Book your consultation with us today by clicking here.  

What happens if I submit false or misleading information with my New Zealand visa application? 

Elly Fleming

12 December 2024

When it comes to applying for a New Zealand visa, honesty is generally the best policy.  

New Zealand’s immigration system, like many around the world, relies on visa applicants to provide accurate and complete information, showing they meet the requirements to be granted a visa, or to be allowed to enter New Zealand.  

Section 58(6) of the Immigration Act 2009 empowers Immigration NZ (“INZ”) to decline visa applications if they find false or misleading information, or if relevant information is withheld by the applicant or their agent. The overall goal of section 58(6) is to safeguard the immigration system’s integrity and reduce visa fraud – this means that New Zealand visa applications are regularly carefully scrutinised.  

Many visa applications are, however, lodged by migrants without any assistance from immigration lawyers or advisers.  Most migrants generally have a limited understanding of immigration law and policy, but due to the high cost of visa applications fees (particularly residence applications) many do not engage a professional to avoid paying a further fee. We have seen many cases in which this approach has significantly backfired and highly recommend seeking professional advice from the outset.  

One of the obvious risks of pressing ahead with an application without professional help is completing the application form incorrectly or providing false or misleading information with the belief that the false information will improve the visa application, and in turn, increase the chances of the visa being granted. 

Examples of common errors we have seen applicants make include: 

  • Failing to disclose a full criminal history, regardless of whether the applicant served time in prison 
  • Omitting details of previous relationships 
  • Not listing all dependent family members, including children 
  • Incorrectly describing the nature of relationships and relationship status  

More serious examples that we regularly come across include providing: 

  • Inaccurate or fabricated bank statements or loan agreements, ownership certificates or titles for property or other financial assets; or fabricated relationship evidence     
  • Inaccurate or fabricated identity documents such as passports, birth certificates, marriage certificates, overseas driver licenses 
  • Inaccurate or fabricated work references about employment to demonstrate skills or experience in a particular position 
  • Inaccurate or fabricated education certificates and transcripts 

Details that some applicants might consider minor can, in fact, become relevant lines of inquiry for INZ. The result can not only mean visa refusal but also the need to convince INZ to grant a character waiver in subsequent applications. In more serious cases, it can also result in deportation liability.  

 While each visa application is assessed based on its surrounding circumstances before a decision is made, in accordance with section 58(6) INZ does not need to establish that the false or misleading information was provided intentionally. 

All visa applicants are strongly encouraged to thoroughly review all documents before submitting them to INZ. If applicants have any concerns about their application, they should consult an immigration lawyer or adviser.  

What may seem like a minor oversight could lead to significant issues down the track. To prevent serious consequences later on, it is advisable to resolve any concerns or uncertainties regarding prior to submission of the application.  

If you are going to entrust someone to assist with your visa application process, make sure that this person is an experienced immigration lawyer or a licensed immigration adviser. Sadly, there are lots of unscrupulous operators, particularly overseas, who pretend to be licensed immigration advisers.  They readily submit inaccurate or fabricated documents to INZ, often without the visa applicant’s knowledge. In the end, it is the visa applicant who has to face the consequences. 

As no two situations are ever completely the same, whether you will be able to secure or keep your visa, depends on the nature of the issue you are facing and the severity of the violation against the immigration rules. 

Since immigration rules are complex, many applicants make genuine mistakes. It is critical that professional advice is sought to turn things around, if possible. It is very important that you understand exactly what sort of trouble that you are in and know what options are available.  

It is critical that anyone who finds themselves facing possible submission of inaccurate, incomplete or fabricated information to INZ obtains legal advice from immigration experts to give themselves the best possible chance of securing a visa or remaining in New Zealand. 

We are experts in this area and can give you advice on your particular circumstances. If we believe we can assist, we will explain your chances of success and the costs associated with engaging us.  

We offer an initial, free 15-minute consultation to discuss your unique situation.  Book your consultation with us today by clicking here

Moving to New Zealand from the USA in 2025

Elly Fleming

18 November 2024

In recent years, an increasing number of US citizens have set their sights on New Zealand as a desirable destination for either short term or long-term relocation.    

New Zealand has long been viewed as a haven for those seeking a change in lifestyle. New Zealand’s combination of political stability, high quality of life, and stunning natural beauty has lured many migrants to our shores. 

 While New Zealand is welcoming to migrants, there are strict immigration rules. Americans must be prepared for a thorough application process if they want to stay for longer than three months at a time. But for those determined to create a new life in a new country, these challenges are not insurmountable. 

As the world continues to change, New Zealand may just become one of the most sought-after destinations. 

There are many factors to consider when deciding which New Zealand visa option is best for you, including: 

  • when you want to come and how long you want to stay; 
  • your age; 
  • your health; 
  • your work and study plans; and 
  • if you want to bring your partner or family with you to New Zealand. 

The variety of New Zealand visa options available to US citizens cater to different needs, so choosing the appropriate visa category when planning to apply for immigration to New Zealand is essential, and something we can help you with here at Pitt & Moore. 

As an American citizen, you have several visa options for visiting, working, studying, or retiring in New Zealand. Here’s a summary of some key visas available to US citizens wishing to stay in New Zealand for longer than 3 months at a time: 

Temporary Visas 


Current processing times

Current Immigration NZ application fees

General Visitor Visa 

With this visa you can stay for up to either 6 months (multiple entry) or 9 months (single entry). You cannot work, but you can study for up to 3 months. 
You can include your partner and dependent children in your visa application. 

80% within 
4 weeks 

NZD $341 

For Americans aged 66 years or older, who can invest NZD $ 750,000 in New Zealand this visa allows a stay in New Zealand for up to 2 years (multiple entry).  You also need to show that you have NZD $500,000 to live on and an annual income of NZD $60,000 or more. Travel/health insurance is a must for this type of visa. 
You can include your partner in this visa application.

80% within 
4 weeks 

If applying outside NZ – free 
If applying in NZ 
NZD $ 7,791 

For Americans aged 18–30, this visa allows travel and work in New Zealand for up to 12 months. 
With this visa you cannot accept a permanent job or bring children with you. If you have a partner who wants to come to New Zealand, they’ll need to apply for their own visa. 

80% within 
2 weeks 

NZD $670 

With this visa, you can study full-time at the course stated on your visa (schools, tertiary and English language study). You will need to pay the full cost of your courses and enrol with an approved education provider. Permits work up to 20 hours per week during term and full-time during breaks. 
If you want to bring your partner or children with you, they may be able to apply for visas based on their relationship to you. 

80% within 
6 weeks 

NZD $750

On an AEWV, you can work in New Zealand for an accredited employer who has offered you at least 30 hours work a week, for up to 3 or 5 years, depending on the skill level of your role.   
You may be able to support a work visa for your partner and visitor or student visas for your dependent children. 

80% within 
15 weeks 

NZD $1540

Residence Visas


Current processing times

Current Immigration NZ application fees

With this visa, people 55 and under can live, work and study in New Zealand indefinitely. You must have a job, or a job offer in New Zealand to apply and also qualify for 6 points.  
Your employment must be with an accredited employer and either full-time and permanent, for a fixed term of at least 12 months or a contract for services of at least 6 months.  
You can include your partner, and dependent children aged 24 and under, in your residence application. 

80% within 5 months

NZD $6450

You can apply for this visa if you are 55 or younger and currently work, or you have a job offer, from an accredited NZ employer, and your role is on Tier 1 of the Green List in-demand. With this visa you can live, work and study in New Zealand indefinitely. 
Some examples of roles currently considered ‘Tier 1 roles eligible for straight to residence’ include: Registered Nurse,
Secondary School Teacher, 
Medical Practitioner,
Ambulance Paramedic, Dentist, Engineer, Surveyor and ICT Project Manager. You can include your partner, and dependent children aged 24 and under, in your residence application. 

80% within 
3 months 

NZD $6450 

You can apply for this visa if you are 55 or younger and currently work, or you have a job offer, from an accredited employer, and have worked in a Tier 2 Green List in-demand for 24 months.  
With this visa you can live, work and study in New Zealand indefinitely. 
Some examples of roles currently considered ‘Tier 2 roles eligible for straight to residence’ include: Automotive Electrician, Dairy Farm Manager, Early Childhood Teacher – registered and electrician.
You can include your partner, and dependent children aged 24 and under, in your residence application. 

80% within 4 months 

NZD $6450

With this visa, you can live, work, retire and invest in New Zealand. You must have up to NZD $15 million to invest in ‘acceptable investments’ in New Zealand or the weighted equivalent in available assets or funds. The criteria for acceptable investments can be found here. You can include your parent and dependent children aged 24 and under, in your visa application.  
After 4 years of keeping your funds in New Zealand you could apply for permanent residence. 

Approval in principle 80% within 4 weeks 

NZD $27,470

This is not an exhaustive list of all visa types available. It is vital to get personalised immigration advice on your visa options. 

When applying for your visa, planning ahead and being prepared with an application that meets all applicable criteria is crucial.  

Taking the leap to move to New Zealand can be daunting, and the complex immigration policies can be tricky to navigate, so seeking legal guidance is highly recommended. Our team of expert immigration and employment lawyers are here to help and provide advice for your specific situation, contact us today on 03 548 8349 or

What sets us apart is that we are experts in each step of the immigration process. This means that we can advise on all immigration/visa-related issues as well as employment related issues. 

We offer an initial, free 15-minute consultation for immigration matters.   

Revised Partners Work Rights: What You Need to Know 

Elly Fleming

1 November 2024

Starting 2 December 2024, the New Zealand government will expand open work rights to more partners of work visa holders, allowing them to work for any employer if they meet certain wage and sector conditions. Although great news for some, it is important to note that only certain partners will be eligible… 

Being granted open work rights means gaining the freedom to work for any employer, in any lawful occupation, and at any pay rate, so long as it meets the current New Zealand minimum wage of $23.15 per hour.  

Additionally, open work rights give a person the option to be self-employed or start a business of their own. These rights don’t limit a person to one job only, open work rights allow someone to hold multiple jobs. There is also no obligation to work at all.  

Open work rights will become available to: 

  • all partners of Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) working in an Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) Level 1-3 role and earning at least NZD$25.29 an hour  
  • partners of AEWV holders earning at least $25.29 an hour if they were already supporting a partner for a work visa on 26 June 2024 
  • all partners of Essential Skills work visa holders earning at least $25.29 an hour 

For those with partners working in an ANZSCO Level 4-5 role, open work rights will only be granted if their partner: 

  • earns at least $47.41 an hour  
  • earns at least $31.61 an hour in a role on the Green List and meets the Green List requirements for that role 
  • earns at least $25.29 an hour and meets the requirements of a role in the Transport or Care Sector Agreements (or the wage specified in the sector agreement, whichever is higher). 

Current holders of partner work visas with specific work conditions, will be able to apply to vary their visa conditions to open work rights, when their partner meets the expanded eligibility criteria. 

While this change in immigration policy settings addresses many concerns over labour shortages and family separation, we feel all partners of AEWV holders who are in New Zealand, irrespective of their partner’s occupation, should be able to work for any employer.   

This is especially relevant for AEWV holders with roles in ANZSCO Level 4-5 occupations as people with lower-skilled occupations are far more likely to need their partner to be able to work to meet the rising cost of living in this country.  This would restore Kiwi employers’ access to a larger pool of workers and streamline hiring processes.   

We understand that immigration policy changes can be difficult to get your head around. Our team of expert immigration and employment lawyers are here to help demystify these changes for you and provide advice for your specific situation, contact us today on 03 548 8349. 

Lights, camera, action: Securing Entertainers Work Visas for film and television crews 

Hannah McCarthy

12 September, 2024

In the world of film and entertainment, New Zealand has long been known for its stunning scenery and world-class special effects facilities, making it an ideal place to produce high-budget international film and television.  

What most people do not realise is the amount of paperwork required behind the scenes to ensure talent and crew from around the world can legally work on productions in New Zealand.  

Anyone working in New Zealand for any period must be a New Zealand or Australian citizen, an Australian permanent resident, hold a New Zealand residency permit, or a valid work visa. Immigration New Zealand is required to enforce this, even when it comes to big-budget, high-profile productions.   
This means visiting producers, directors, musicians, cast and crew must apply for a suitable work visa before they come and work on our shores. The most common visa for this is called an Entertainers Work Visa. 

With this visa, you can come to New Zealand to work in the entertainment, music, film or television industries for a limited time but can only work for the specific employer on the specific production you’ve referenced on your application.   

Immigration NZ requires, among other things, that an entertainment industry employer shows that the talent or crew they want to bring in are ‘manifestly essential’ to the production, or that they do not put at risk engagement of New Zealand professionals and have previously looked at engaging New Zealand professionals to fill the role. All of this must be backed up with clear evidence. 

As an example, if a production company needed a specific overseas worker because finance or distribution depended on their involvement, the visa application would need to include written confirmation from a sales agent, distributor or key investor to prove that this was the case. 

Whether you’re an actor, performer, musician, production company or crew member, dealing with complex visa requirements like this can be daunting to navigate. At Pitt & Moore, we specialise in securing Entertainers Work Visas, ensuring that the focus can remain on your craft rather than on the complicated visa process associated with working overseas. 

Our immigration team brings a wealth of expertise in handling the unique visa requirements associated with the entertainment, music, film, and television industries. We understand that each sector has its own set of requirements and nuances, and we are committed to providing a tailored approach to meet these specific needs.  

One such nuance is obtaining any necessary agreements from relevant New Zealand performers unions or professional associations.   

Our services are designed to provide personalised attention and a streamlined process. We make sure that all the necessary documentation and procedural steps are meticulously managed, so you can pursue your international opportunities with confidence. We pride ourselves on our proven success in helping clients secure Entertainers Work Visas, allowing them to perform and collaborate internationally without hassle.  

Securing an Entertainers Work Visa can be riddled with potential obstacles if not managed properly. Common issues include incomplete or incorrect documentation, missed deadlines, and misunderstandings of specific visa requirements. These pitfalls can lead to significant delays or even visa refusals. Furthermore, New Zealand’s immigration policies are currently in a state of upheaval and changes to immigration rules can affect your application if not promptly addressed. 

At Pitt & Moore, we excel in identifying and navigating these challenges. We ensure that your application is thorough, timely, and compliant with the latest immigration regulations. Our proactive approach helps mitigate risks and prevents issues that could disrupt your plans and filming schedule.  

If you’re ready to take the next step  contact us today to schedule a 15-minute free consultation.  

Immigration rule changes for seasonal workers

Elly Fleming

28 August 2024

There have been a couple of announcements this month affecting Kiwi employers who might need seasonal workers.

As outlined below, there have been improvements made to the Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) scheme following government review. And, for those industries with seasonal peaks, there is a new subcategory of the Specific Purpose Work Visa for when the work is directly impacted by changes in weather.

RSE cap increase of 1,250 workers

For the upcoming 2024-2025 season, the cap on the number of RSE workers is increasing to 20,750. This is an increase of 1,250 from last season’s cap, which was 19,500.

This increase is touted to help meet industry’s expansion plans and growth projections, particularly in wine and kiwifruit exports, while also being mindful of accommodation availability for workers.

Other improvements

Most of the following changes take effect from next week, on the 2 September.

  • Employers must pay RSE workers an average of 30 hours a week over 4 weeks.
  • RSE workers will now be granted a visa that will allow them to leave and return to New Zealand during a season.
  • RSE workers will no longer have to be screened for HIV.
  • The pause on accommodation cost increases will be lifted and employers will be able to increase rents modestly.
  • RSE workers will be able to undertake training and skills development not directly related to their role.
  • There will be more flexibility for RSE workers to move between employers and regions.
  • Timor-Leste will be included in the scheme.
  • The requirement to pay RSE workers at least 10 percent above the minimum wage will only apply to experienced workers returning for their third and subsequent seasons.

This is an interim, time-limited, streamlined pathway and is more in line with the length of seasonal work.

To be eligible, the seasonal work must be directly impacted by changes in weather, such as harvesting, ski instructing, or tree planting.

The role must also start on or before 31 May 2025, and be for no longer than 9 months.

Horticulture, viticulture, and fishing crew work covered by other visas is excluded.

Applications from migrants must be received on or before 31 March 2025.

As an employer you will need to:

  • hold employer accreditation
  • pay at least NZD$29.66 per hour for a minimum of 30 hours per week.
  • advertise the role beforehand and provide evidence of this to the migrant to include in their application.

Our team of expert immigration and employment lawyers have a great deal of experience helping employers and migrant workers navigate all aspects of the complex immigration process. We are here to help, contact us today on 03 5488349.

What does the upcoming visa fee increase mean for migrants and Kiwi employers?

Elly Fleming

14 August 2024

New Zealand visa applicants and employers have found themselves in a race against the clock as a substantial Immigration New Zealand fee increase looms.  

Come October 1, New Zealand will see a jump in visa fees for applications across nearly all visa categories, including employer accreditation. It is yet another hurdle in what has already been a turbulent year for changes to immigration policy, and one that is likely to have a knock-on effect on visa processing times for the remainder of 2024.  

For those who have set their sights on coming to or remaining in New Zealand, this major increase in fees will come as a significant shock. 

In many cases, application fees are nearly doubling. Immigration New Zealand has released a full table of changes to fee and levy rates, which illustrates that as of 1 October: 

  • The application fee for a Skilled Residence Visa (this includes Skilled Migrant Category, Green List: Straight to Residence, Green List: Work to Residence, and Care Workforce: Work to Residence categories) will be raised by 50% to $6,450, up from $4,290. 
  • The application fee for a Partnership Residence visa will almost double to $5,360 from its current $2,750 setting. 
  • The application fee for a Dependent Child Resident visa will increase from $2,750 to $3,230. 
  • The fee for processing a Student visa will double from $375 to $750. 
  • For Accredited Employer Work Visas, the overall cost will increase from $750 to $1,540. 
  • Employer Accreditation applications see a gradual increase with the biggest hike for labour hire accreditation category, from $3,870 to $4,060.  

Despite the fee increases, New Zealand will continue to subsidise visa fees for applicants from Pacific countries and there will be no fee increases for Recognised Seasonal Employer status, Pacific Access Category and Samoan Quota Resident visas, or for New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA).    

We highly recommend that migrants and employers plan ahead and only submit applications that meet all applicable criteria. This fee hike is likely to cause a mass rush to get applications in ahead of 1 October. As a result, processing delays look very likely as Immigration New Zealand copes with an influx of applications.  

At Pitt & Moore, we are also anticipating that Immigration New Zealand’s online application systems will experience issues in the period leading up to this date due to a higher volume of transactions. To avoid additional costs and technical issues, our advice is to get eligible applications in as soon as possible, and well ahead of that October deadline.  

When application fees increase significantly, the stakes for migrants and Kiwi employers are higher, making expert legal advice even more crucial.  

Visa applications often involve intricate legal requirements and documentation. An expert can help navigate these complexities, ensuring that all forms are filled out correctly and that all required documents are submitted. From our experience, missteps in this process can lead to delays or denials, which can be costly and time-consuming. 

 Expert legal guidance will help make this process more streamlined and will give you a much better chance at securing your visa. 

Don’t hesitate to reach out to the immigration team here at Pitt & Moore for professional advice on how best to approach your visa application.  

Further changes to Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) Scheme

By Lavinia Askin

17 July 2024

A flurry of changes made to the AEWV scheme of late reflects the New Zealand Government’s ongoing efforts to return settings to similar ones under the previous Essential Skills Work Visa. Although the intention is to align immigration policies with the Government’s broader economic and social objectives, the changes are leaving migrant workers and New Zealand employers in a state of flux.

Further rule changes have been announced surrounding the Government’s move to prevent AEWV holders in ANZSCO skill level 4 and 5 roles from supporting work, student or visitor visa applications for their partners and dependent children, with some limited exceptions.

A recent clarification of instructions distributed by Immigration New Zealand outlined that AEWV holders (including those in transport or care sector employment) will have to be paid the median wage (currently $29.66 NZD per hour) to support their partners for a conditional work visa.

Likewise, AEWV holders in ANZSCO level 4 or 5 roles earning at least 1.5 times the median wage will be able to support their partners for a work visa and dependent children for student or visitor visas.

Further to this, a special work visa that allows the holder to work for any employer may be granted to the partner of an AEWV or Essential Skills work visa holder in a role that is either paid at least twice the median wage or paid at least the median wage and is on the Green List and the work visa holder meets the applicable requirements.

These changes apply to new AEWV applicants including migrants already in New Zealand. However, people who hold or have an application in progress for a visa as the partner or dependent child of affected AEWV holders will not be impacted, provided their application was received by Immigration New Zealand prior to 26 June 2024 and provided visa is approved.

Partners and dependent children will still be able to apply for a visa in their own right to come to New Zealand, such as an AEWV or an international student visa, or a general visitor visa, provided they meet the requirements.

We note that with effect from July this year, school aged children of eligible international students, who are studying for level 7 or 8 bachelor’s or bachelor’s (honours) degrees specified on the Green List, can apply for Dependent Child Student Visas and study in New Zealand as domestic students.

Ultimately, the AEWV changes reflect a furthering of the measures being made to dissuade prospective migrants to come to New Zealand and will yield huge challenges for kiwi employers who rely on migrants to fill positions in many key industries.

The eligibility checker found on Immigration New Zealand’s website is a helpful tool, however we also strongly advise seeking guidance from an immigration lawyer if this new update relates to you in any way and you have questions or concerns. Our team at Pitt & Moore are here to help.

Frequently Asked Questions on Deportation

By Elly Fleming

17 June 2024

If you, or your family member, are facing possible deportation from New Zealand, don’t bury your head in the sand, act now, get expert legal advice and know your options. Below are answers to some frequently asked questions concerning deportation which may be of assistance.

If I’m facing deportation, do I have to leave New Zealand as soon as possible?

Any number of things can happen that can activate or give rise to deportation liability, so no two situations are ever completely the same. For example, when visa holders commit crimes in New Zealand they can become liable for deportation. This can include drink driving and more serious criminal offences. Another common scenario is visa holders breaching their visa conditions (for instance working on a visa that has no work rights or working for a different employer).

Usually, you do not have to leave New Zealand straight away. In most cases, there would be options or certain steps that you could take. For example, you may be able to appeal against your deportation liability, within certain time limits. The options will also depend on the class of visa that you hold.

It is critical that you know and understand all of your options so that you can make an informed decision. Getting professional legal advice (at times from both criminal and immigration lawyers) as soon as possible can assist greatly in this regard. However, from our experience where people leave things to the very last minute, we find that they often lose their chance of being able to stay here.

Will I be allowed to remain in New Zealand?

As no two situations are ever completely the same, whether you will be allowed to remain in New Zealand will largely depend on what event(s) activated or gave rise to your deportation liability as well as on any mitigating factors that you may have.

From our experience, usually the stronger your ties to New Zealand, the stronger your prospects of being allowed to stay. For example, if you have family members in New Zealand, who are New Zealand citizens and/or residence visa holders, this in certain circumstances could form the basis for you being allowed to stay here. Likewise, if you have skilled employment, and your New Zealand employer relies on your specialist skill set and would find it very difficult to replace you, this could equally improve your prospects of being allowed to remain in New Zealand.

In many instances, people face deportation due to criminal offending or convictions in New Zealand. Typically, the nature of criminal offending, how long ago it occurred, and its severity will have a bearing on the chances of being able to stay in New Zealand. For example, a person convicted for the first time of drink driving may have a stronger chance of remaining in New Zealand, compared with someone who was convicted of a sexual assault or family violence.

Your circumstances are unique and there could be many factors that could help you challenge your deportation or entirely avoid deportation proceedings (see: Discharge Without Conviction section below). It’s really important to get professional advice.

We are experts in this area and can give you advice on your particular circumstances. If we believe we can assist, we will explain your chances of success and the costs associated with engaging us.

Is it better for me to leave New Zealand voluntarily without fighting my deportation?

As noted above, each situation is different and there is no ‘one-fits-all’ answers. It will depend on your particular circumstances and future plans, including any plans for travel to other countries.

If you decide to leave New Zealand voluntarily within the period of time that Immigration New Zealand has given you, for example either within the 14 days of being served with the Deportation Liability Notice or within your appeal period, then technically you will not have been deported from New Zealand. The benefit of this approach if you are planning to travel to countries like Australia or United States of America or the United Kingdom or Canada, in your future visa applications you can legitimately answer “no” when asked the standard question “Have you ever been deported from any country?”. On the downside, your prospects of being able to return to New Zealand would generally be low.

If I am deported, will I be allowed to return to New Zealand?

Normally, it would be very challenging for you to gain entry permission or a new visa following deportation or removal from New Zealand. In certain situations, you may be able to return. Professional advice and assistance are highly recommended if you or your loved ones are trying to return to New Zealand following a deportation.

It is also important to be aware of the specific bans on re-entry to New Zealand if you have been deported. These bans are specified in section 179 of the Immigration Act 2009, they range from two to five years if you have been in New Zealand unlawfully, but for more serious grounds for deportation including criminal convictions, classified as being a threat to security, immigration fraud, visa granted on basis of false identity, there are permanent bans (this means you can never return, unless Ministerial intervention can be obtained).

From our years of experience, we know that in most cases it is prudent to oppose your deportation liability while you are still in New Zealand. Once you are outside New Zealand the obstacles in the way of returning following a deportation are usually very high.

What is a ‘Deportation Liability Notice’?

A Deportation Liability Notice is a very serious warning to the visa holder that they are at risk of being deported from New Zealand. The notice sets out the grounds for deportation liability, including which section of the Immigration Act applies, the consequences of deportation, as well as the review and appeal rights, along with the applicable time limits, if such rights exist.

What is a ‘Deportation Order’?

A Deportation Order is a direction stating that the affected person is required to leave New Zealand. It allows Immigration New Zealand to immediately act to detain and remove the affected person from New Zealand (i.e put them on the first available craft leaving New Zealand). Sometimes New Zealand Police will assist or be involved in this process. This can happen as soon as the Deportation Order is served on the affected person. However, for practical reasons this process can often take several days or longer.

Generally, Deportation Orders may only be served after the affected person has exhausted their legal rights of review or appeal under the Immigration Act or has done nothing to exercise their legal rights within the prescribed time limits.

The order typically sets out the grounds for deportation liability, the consequences of deportation and the costs that must be repaid to the New Zealand Government for the actual deportation.

What is a ‘Discharge Without Conviction’ and how does it help me if I am facing deportation?

A discharge without conviction under section 106 of the Sentencing Act 2002 in New Zealand is a legal outcome where a person who has been charged with a criminal offense is discharged without being convicted. This means that while the person may have admitted or been found guilty of the offense, they are not convicted of it. Instead, the court decides to discharge them without entering a conviction against their name.

Generally, a discharge without conviction could help mitigate the negative impact of a criminal conviction on the immigration status of temporary entry class visa holders (work visas, student visas, visitor visas etc…) or assist residence class visa holders (Resident Visas and Permanent Resident Visas) to entirely avoid deportation proceedings. 

If you are charged or are under criminal investigation while holding a visa in New Zealand, its essential to consult with both criminal and immigration lawyers to understand fully how a criminal conviction could impact you. 

Talk to us

It is critical that anyone who finds themselves facing possible deportation obtains legal advice from immigration experts to give themselves the best possible chance of remaining in New Zealand.

Our Immigration and Litigation Teams assist visa holders with both criminal and immigration advice. We also provide expert opinions in support of section 106 discharge without conviction applications, addressing in detail the immigration consequences of criminal convictions for visa holders or people unlawfully in New Zealand.

If you’d like more information on this topic talk to Elly Fleming, Associate, Pitt & Moore.

man writing on paper

Renewal of Employer Accreditation – What employers need to know? 

July 2024 will see the first phase of accreditation status renewal for many Accredited Employers. Although processing times can vary, Immigration NZ (INZ) currently recommends employers apply six weeks before accreditation expires, so now is the perfect time to plan ahead to retain or continue hiring people from overseas.  

Application for renewal

The new online form for re-accreditation as an Accredited Employer under the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) scheme is now available on the INZ website, but preparation is key to success with this process and there are many things employers need to know ahead of applying: 

  • Check your expiry. Employers should only apply when their accreditation is nearing its expiry date (approximately 2 months out).  
  • Come prepared. For faster application processing, an employer needs to provide supporting documents upfront that show evidence of: 
    • being a viable and genuinely operating business or organisation
    • compliance with business standards
    • settlement support for your AEWV employees
  • Take care when applying. Ensuring your applications are prepared correctly the first time will avoid delays or declines.  
  • Employers must ensure their renewal application is for the correct type of accreditation, as there are no refunds for incorrect applications. 

Delivering on declarations made in original accreditation applications 

With the accreditation renewal applications, we expect INZ to check whether businesses have complied with the declarations or promises made in their initial accreditation application.  

This means businesses may need to show they provided settlement support to new AEWV migrants, gave them paid time to complete Employment NZ’s online modules, and made sure key staff completed Employment NZ’s employer modules, amongst other obligations.  

Consequences of immigration or employment non-compliance 

INZ can now issue an infringement notice to employers who are found to be: 

  • Employing people in breach of their visa conditions 
  • Employing people unlawfully in New Zealand 
  • Failing to comply with INZ’s10-day information request 

This applies to all New Zealand employers, irrespective of whether they hold accreditation status with INZ. Penalties start from $1,000 per employee and a single infringement notice will result in the employer’s accreditation status being suspended. 

Does my business need to renew? 

If you are unsure whether you need to renew your accreditation, it’s important to think about the new migrant workers you may need to hire, while also taking into consideration your current migrant workers and any potential plans they may have to apply for residency through your business.  

If you choose not to renew, the expired accreditation does not prevent your AEWV holder employee from continuing their employment with your business. However, it will mean: 

  • You will not be permitted to hire new migrants on AEWV or make a Variation to their AEWV from another employer (whether from overseas or already in New Zealand) 
  • You will not be able to apply for another Job Check or support a worker to apply for their AEWV balance 
  • Certain migrant workers who hold open Work Visas (e.g. Partner of a Worker Work Visas) allowing them to only work for an accredited employer, will not be permitted to work for your business 
  • Migrant workers will not be allowed to apply for residence based on work with your business.  

It is also important to understand that the choice not to renew accreditation can mean  significantly narrowing the pool of migrants who can work for your business and will likely discourage  migrants from working for you, since they will not have a pathway to residence.   

If your business has no plans to hire migrant workers and does not have a need to retain any migrant employees in the long term through residency pathways, there is likely no need to renew. This may change if, as previously planned, the government makes accreditation compulsory for all employers who hire migrants on any type of temporary visa with work rights, including Student Visas, Working Holiday Visas and Partnership Based Work Visas.  

Talk to us

Our team of expert immigration and employment lawyers have a great deal of experience helping employers navigate the complex immigration process of Accreditation Renewal. We can help to put forward a strong case to INZ that your business can and does meet the requirements for accreditation. Talk to us today.  

Major Work Visa Changes – A Tightening of the Borders

Lavinia Askin

May 2024

Sweeping changes to the Accredited Employer work visa (AEWV) scheme will significantly impact employers and migrant workers.

On 7 April, Immigration Minister, Hon Erica Stanford announced major and immediate AEWV policy amendments 2024, reminiscent of pre-pandemic settings. She noted these changes have been made in response to “unsustainable” net migration, to reduce migrant exploitation, put New Zealanders “to the front of the line where there is a skill shortage”, and attract highly skilled migrants. It follows a review of the AEWV scheme released in February 2024, which highlighted a number of issues and failings with the scheme.

There has been a recalibration of immigration settings at each of the three steps in the AEWV scheme:

  • At Step 1 (Employer Accreditation) employers will be required to meet additional obligations as an accredited employer, and if not, face new consequences or penalties.
  • At Step 2 (Job Check) employers must perform appropriate candidate checking. They must also undertake additional labour market testing requirements for roles that Immigration New Zealand (INZ) deems to be low-skilled or low-paid.
  • At Step 3 (Accredited Employer Work Visa) it will be harder for applicants to obtain a visa, particularly in ‘low-skilled’ or ‘low-paid’ roles. In these roles, a visa will be granted for a shorter duration, with a shorter maximum continuous stay in New Zealand.

These policy changes are largely targeted at ANZSCO Skill Level 4 or 5 roles. For example: Labourers, Farm Workers, Carers, Nursing Assistants, Hospital Orderlies, Mobile Plant Operators, Seafood or Meat Processing workers, Sales Assistants, Domestic Cleaners, and Kitchenhands. Accordingly, it is critical that job descriptions are carefully and accurately drafted to ensure roles are classified correctly by INZ. This will avoid unnecessary additional hurdles for employers and prospective migrant employees.

While these changes largely impact roles that INZ considers to be low-skilled or low-paid, the effects will be felt by all employers and visa applicants. We expect INZ to be reviewing applications with increased scrutiny, and processing times to increase significantly across the board.

What’s new for employers – additional hoops to jump through

INZ has moved away from a high-trust system, where for the most part, employers could simply declare they had met policy requirements. Moving forward employers will need to:

  • Meet new advertising and hiring requirements for most occupations at ANZSCO Skill Level 4 or 5. This includes listing the role for 21 days (increased from 14 days) and engaging with Work and Income.
  • Take reasonable steps to ensure applicants are suitably qualified and meet skills and experience threshold before supporting an AEWV application. For example: sighting evidence of work experience/qualifications, trade testing, and job interviews.
  • Ensure that the current or prospective migrant employee meets INZ’s “minimum skill threshold” and English language requirements (where applicable) – see below.
  • Notify INZ if an AEWV holder’s employment ends more than a month before their visa expires.
  • Continue to provide migrant employees on AEWVs with at least 30 hours of work per week, otherwise accreditation status can be revoked.
  • Carefully plan ahead – Employer Accreditation, Job Check and AEWV applications processing times are likely to increase significantly.
  • Have robust compliance systems and be prepared for post accreditation checks and inspections.

What does this mean for migrant workers?

We anticipate that there will be many migrant workers who will no longer be eligible to apply for an AEWV, following INZ’s changes. This will include those who have already been offered employment and issued a job token by their prospective employer. In particular:

  • In addition to the work experience/qualification requirements specified in a Job Check, applicants will need to meet the new “minimum skills threshold” by providing evidence of:
    • At least three years of relevant work experience; or
    • A relevant qualification at Level 4 or higher on the NZ Qualifications and Credentials Framework.
  • When applying for an AEWV to work in an ANZSCO Skill Level 4 or 5 role (unless an exemption applies), applicants will now:
    • Need to meet English language requirements.
    • Receive a visa for a maximum duration of two years (reduced from five years) and have a reduced maximum length of time they can stay in New Zealand (reduced from five years to three years).

These are significant changes

While the AEWV scheme is employer-led, it is becoming increasingly difficult for employers to navigate continuously changing requirements and obligations. It is critical that employers gain a thorough understanding of these changes prior to recruiting or renewing visas for migrant workers to avoid unnecessary delays, declines, or employer accreditation revocation.

It will also be important for migrant workers to check their visa eligibility in light of these policy amendments, and consider alternative visa pathways to work in New Zealand where applicable.

Talk to us

Pitt & Moore is here to help if you need advice or assistance understanding these amendments to the AEWV scheme. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our immigration team for expert guidance on your specific circumstances. We offer an initial free 15-minute consultation for related immigration matters.

Tightrope Act of Complying with Immigration and Employment Law Obligations for Employers of Migrant Workers

by Heather Collins

1 February 2024

There has been a significant focus on migrant workers in New Zealand over the past year. As we have previously highlighted, a number of changes have come into force to better protect migrant workers, and prevent and deter exploitation by employers.

These legislative changes expose businesses employing migrant workers to more severe penalties for exploitation and may also result in more scrutiny of businesses that hire migrants.

For this reason, now more than ever is an ideal time for business owners to pause and re-examine their practices, to ensure that they are meeting both their employment and immigration obligations.

In our experience, one of the biggest stumbling blocks for employers is the process to follow when a migrant worker no longer holds a visa. In this article, we outline some general best-practice recommendations for employers to consider when it comes to improving practices and reducing the risk of non-compliance.

What are an employer’s obligations when a migrant worker’s visa expires?

Once a migrant worker’s visa expires, unless they have been granted an interim visa with conditions that allow them to work for their employer, they cannot perform any duties for their employer, and they are generally not permitted to remain in New Zealand.

Employers of migrant workers must not only adhere to their obligations under the Immigration Act 2009 but also to the requirements of the Employment Relations Act 2000 and other employment related legislation relevant to employment relationships.  If a migrant worker’s visa expires, employers have an obligation to ensure that the worker isn’t completing any duties, as the employer could then be sanctioned for allowing someone to work without a valid visa. There are steep penalties for hiring or allowing someone to work who is not entitled to.

Often in this scenario, the employer’s focus shifts to removing the unlawful employee from the business as quickly as possible.  However, where an employment agreement is in force, the migrant worker is still an employee. This means that while the migrant worker is not allowed to perform duties, they are still afforded all the same rights and protections as any other employee, irrespective of their visa status. 

The employer remains obligated to follow a ‘fair and reasonable’ process and act in good faith. In practice, this means that an employer cannot simply terminate the migrant worker’s employment without due process simply because the migrant worker no longer holds a visa.  Doing so will likely result in the migrant having grounds to raise a personal grievance.

What is the best practice for an employer in this situation?

Unfortunately, there is no clear, established law on a particular process to be followed. But, in general, Pitt & Moore advises against automatically terminating a migrant worker’s employment or standing a migrant worker down without pay without their agreement when they would be otherwise willing and able to work, as this could be deemed an illegal suspension.

If there is nothing specified in an existing employment agreement about how to address this issue, the best practice is to reach an agreement with the migrant worker. This could be an agreement for the migrant worker to take the remainder of their annual leave, or if there is no leave available, to take unpaid leave until they are granted a valid work visa. If the migrant worker is unwilling to take unpaid leave, the employer could consider extending special paid leave for a finite period, to ensure the migrant worker is not disadvantaged.

Set up clear expectations in an employment agreement

For employers looking to review and update their existing employment agreements, it can be helpful to have clauses that:

  • Allow for unpaid or paid leave where a worker’s visa expires;
  • Clarify the worker’s obligation not to cause unnecessary delays when applying for a new work visa; and
  • Make it clear that employment cannot be held open and identify a point at which an employer can validly end the employment.

These clauses should be tailored specifically to you as the employer and your worker. Specific legal advice should be sought when refreshing these documents.

Who is obligated to ensure migrant workers’ visas remain current?

A visa holder (migrant worker) is required to hold a valid visa at all times in New Zealand. They may only work under the conditions specified in their visa. Immigration New Zealand (INZ) recommends visa holders apply for another visa at least one month before their current visa’s expiry date.

Employers are not allowed to ‘provide immigration advice’ to migrant workers – for example, by advising migrants which would be the best visa for them to apply for, or what documents they may need for the application. But employers do have an obligation to try and ensure a worker’s visa is processed prior to its expiry and to support an expedient process by providing any documents or paperwork promptly. In the 2021 decision of Restaurant Brands Ltd (RBL) and Dilshaad Gill, RBL was ordered to pay Mr Gill $25,000 on top of lost wages of $19,950 for unjustifiably dismissing him on the expiry of his work visa, and their failure to advise Mr Gill that they didn’t intend on supporting his visa application.  

Taking Restaurant Brands as an example and precedent, there is a risk of non-compliance if an employer fails to follow the proper process, creates a delay for a migrant worker’s visa application, or disadvantaged them financially.  In these situations, it becomes important the employer ensures their migrant worker’s employment is preserved where possible and employment processes meet the required standard

Get professional advice

The laws surrounding employment and immigration move quickly and are designed to protect both employees and employers. We suggest that tailored advice is sought for your business in the event that a migrant worker’s visa is about to expire or has already expired.

Pitt & Moore provides expert advice on immigration, employment, and visa rules and processes so please contact us for some expert guidance.

How Pitt & Moore can help

What sets us apart is that we are experts not only in employment law but also in each step of the immigration process. This means that we can advise on all immigration/visa-related issues as well as employment related issues.

We offer an initial, free 15-minute consultation for immigration matters.

Immigration in 2024 – What is on the horizon for New Zealand? 

By Elly Fleming

19 January, 2024

A new year with a new Government at the helm inevitably means new developments in immigration policy. Over the course of 2023, Pitt & Moore highlighted these upcoming changes to immigration rules and what they mean for visa applicants, visa holders and New Zealand employers.  

As we head into 2024, we are yet to see a clear plan from the new Government on immigration. However, from what has already been announced, we can expect the following:  

Ongoing scrutiny of the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) system

In response to repeated instances of migrant exploitation that came to light throughout 2023, the AEWV has seen an overhaul. 

This has led to increased scrutiny on employers during the Employer Accreditation and Job Check application processes, and we expect this close examination of paperwork to continue in 2024. This will lead to longer processing times – employers should prepare to plan well ahead. 

Other changes to the AEWV include a longer maximum visa length (up to five years) and an increased maximum continuous stay period (also up to five years). Accredited Employers can support their employee to apply for their AEWV balance if they are paid at least the median wage, or they are employed as part of the care workforce sector agreement. We recommend that employers and migrant workers seek immigration advice and assistance with this process ahead of time.  

Changes to the median wage

Meanwhile, just before Christmas, it was announced that the median wage increase due in February will be paused. 

All current wage rates in place will remain, including: 
• NZ$29.66 per hour for migrants employed on most AEWVs 
• NZ$26.16 per hour for AEWV holders covered by the care workforce sector agreement 
• Specific wage rates for other sector agreements and roles with exemptions to the median wage. 
Employers and migrants should be aware that, at this stage, the median wage will still increase to NZ$31.61 in February 2024 for other visa categories that use it, such as the Skilled Migrant Category and Parent Category. Applications received before the increase will not be impacted.

It is anticipated that the new Government will make further changes to the median wage in 2024.  

Increased visa application fees

A review of visa application fee settings is expected, with new, higher fees anticipated to be applied from the middle of 2024.  

We recommend that employers and migrants plan ahead, and wherever possible submit their applications early in 2024 to avoid fee increases. It is anticipated that some visa categories will see a significant rise in application fees.  

The new Worker Protection (Migrant and Other Employees) Act is here 

On 6 January 2024, The Worker Protection (Migrant and Other Employees) Act, which amends the employer offences and penalties in the Immigration Act 2009, the Employment Relations Act 2000 and the Companies Act 1993, came into force. 

This means a raft of updates to the system of enforcement and penalties to deter migrant employee exploitation. Pitt & Moore wrote about the Act’s key provisions in more detail in an earlier article. 

In short, the Act represents a significant shift in workplace relations policy and will have major implications for employers and employees, including, but not limited to, the following: 

  • Accredited Employers have to notify Immigration New Zealand (INZ) of any changes to their compliance with INZ’s Accredited Employer rules within 10 working days of them knowing about them. INZ also expects to be notified no matter how minor the breach of immigration rules. By doing the right thing and self-reporting, Accredited Employers will be penalised even more from 6 January. Plus, there is a risk that accreditation status may not be renewed. 
  • Immigration Officers or Labour Inspectors will be able to name and shame, as well as fine, employers (irrespective of whether they hold accreditation status with INZ) for any breach in their migrant employee’s work-related visa conditions, even for small and accidental breaches. 
  • Immigration Officers will be able to more easily obtain and check employment-related documents as part of ongoing compliance efforts. 
  • Any violation of a person’s work visa at all could see employers fined up to $3,000 per employee and even higher court-imposed fines.  
  • Migrant employees will be able to ask Labour Inspectors to enforce their entitlement not just to minimum wages but to the wages their visa conditions stipulate. 

Many New Zealand employers would benefit from considering implementing better standards of governance and compliance risk oversight, as well as systems for management of operational risks related to immigration and employment law obligations. Pitt & Moore strongly advises employers to make sure they are ready for the Act now.  

Permanent resident visa applications are moving online 

From the end of January 2024, INZ is planning to move Permanent Resident Visa (PRV) applications into their Immigration Online system (instead of using paper-based applications).  

This change is coming ahead of INZ’s prediction of a significant increase in PRV applications in 2024, with a large number of 2021 Resident Visa applicants becoming eligible to apply. 

This shift to Immigration Online means the following applications will be able to be submitted electronically:  

  • Permanent Resident Visa  
  • Second or Subsequent Resident Visa  
  • Variation of Travel Conditions of a resident visa  

Applicants will then be able to check their application status online and no longer have to submit physical documents, such as passports, or call INZ for updates on the progress of applications. This is a welcome development. We hope to see more applications moving online during 2024.  

New visas to be introduced

A new five-year renewable Parent Visitor Visa has been promised to assist with reuniting families and bridge the gap between the current lottery-based Parent Resident Category and short-term Parent/Grandparent Visitor Visa. This can’t come fast enough. We have been inundated with enquiries from families about when the new visa will be available.  

A new Global Growth Tech Residence Visa for people with highly specialised skills who have worked at a top global tech company earning at least NZ$400,000 per annum also appears to be on the horizon. This visa will initially be capped at 250 successful applicants in the first year. We can’t predict how soon this visa category will be introduced or how great the demand for it will be.   

A Digital Nomad Visa is also on the horizon. This is a 12-month work visa to attract skilled, mobile people to come to New Zealand while working remotely for an overseas-based company, with the option to apply for a work or residence visa later if they choose to stay. Again, this visa will initially be capped at 250 successful applicants in the first year. From the limited information released so far, it’s not clear when this visa will be introduced and, in the current economic climate, coupled with the availability of Working Holidays Visas, it’s not clear how it will benefit New Zealand.  

New Zealand will continue to keep pace with Australia 

On 11 December 2023, the Australian Government released its Migration Strategy, which will overhaul the country’s migration programme over the next decade. We have summarised the strategy’s broad initiatives and what to expect from the Australian Government in a separate article.  

Many of the changes we have outlined in this article are already in place in Australia, with a few differences. For example, the Australian Government’s Migration Strategy includes a commitment to reforming the ‘points test’ for permanent skilled migration. In New Zealand, a new points system for the Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa was introduced in October 2023.  

Both countries are also exploring further options for enforcing employer non-compliance with immigration obligations, with details to be announced later this year. 

In this climate, now more than ever, it is critical for all employers to ensure that they verify the work rights of all employees. This includes verifying that all employees have permission to work and, if they are a visa holder, are only working within any work conditions imposed on their visa. 

Talk to us

Pitt & Moore provide expert advice on immigration, employment and visa rules and processes, so please contact us for expert guidance on your specific circumstances. We offer an initial free 15-minute consultation for immigration matters. 

four people all on laptops, two men and two women, listen to person talking in a board meeting

Interim Visas: Tips and Traps Migrant Workers and Employers Need to Know! 

By Hannah McCarthy

8 January 2024

An Interim Visa allows a migrant worker on a temporary visa to be in New Zealand legally while they await the outcome of their further temporary visa application. 

Generally, Immigration New Zealand (INZ) issues Interim Visas automatically unless certain conditions apply, and from our experience this is where migrant workers and their employers can encounter complications and can get into trouble. 

Key points to bear in mind:

  • Unlike other visas, there is no right to apply for an Interim Visa under the Immigration Act. And, INZis not required to notify visa applicants or their employers that an Interim Visa won’t be granted. 
  • Interim Visas will not necessarily have the same visa conditions as the previous visa . In some instances, migrants may lose work rights while holding Interim Visas, meaning working would breach visa conditions and may affect future visa applications, and could mean deportation. Employers may also be fined and lose accreditation status and be stood down from hiring migrant workers.  
  • Interim Visas generally do not have travel conditions and will expire when a migrant leaves New Zealand (this may not apply to Skilled Migrant Category (SMC) Interim Visas, which have different rules. Read more here). For example, with a regular Interim Visa a migrant worker wanting to go home to visit family would need to wait for their new visa to be granted before they could return to New Zealand.  
  • Interim Visas generally last for a maximum of six months, so if a decision on the temporary application is not made in that time by INZ, the migrant worker can lose their right to work and will need expert advice and assistance to make sure they don’t become unlawful. 

Important rules about expiry of Interim Visas  

Interim Visas can expire: 

  • when INZ approves an application and grants a visa; or 
  • 21 days after a visa application has been declined or withdrawn; or 
  • as noted above, after six months if no decision has been made in this time. 

If a visa application is withdrawn or declined, the 21 days allow a migrant to leave New Zealand while remaining lawful or request INZ to reconsider the decision, if they want them to. 

Interim Visa holders with work rights can generally continue to work during the 21 days following a withdrawal or declined visa application. 

It’s also important to keep in mind that an Interim Visa will not automatically be granted by INZ if the migrant: 

  • has particular alerts or warnings related to their character in INZ’s system; 
  • has an active appeal; 
  • is liable for deportation; 
  • has an open case with the Deputy Chief Executive or the Minister of Immigration; 
  • has compliance action underway; 
  • is a student funded through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade or the New Zealand Aid Programme; or  
  • holds a visa that has been granted because the Immigration and Protection Tribunal has ordered the grant of the visa under either section 210 or 216 of the Immigration Act 2009. 

In any of the above cases, the decision about whether a migrant worker will be granted an Interim Visa is made by an Immigration Officer. For this reason, it’s vital for employers and migrants to closely monitor visa expiry dates and get expert advice as soon as possible.  

Talk to us  

Our team at Pitt & Moore can help you navigate all aspects of visa applications, advising on any issues that may prevent an Interim Visa from being issued and assisting with last-minute temporary visa applications.   

man holding luggage photo

Skilled Migrant Category Interim Visa: Pitfalls and Restrictions  

By Hannah McCarthy

5 January 2024

Skilled Migrant Category Interim (SMC) Visas may be right for some, but they are not suitable for every migrant worker waiting for their SMC Resident Visa.

This interim SMC visa may be issued for up to 24 months while a migrant’s resident visa application is being considered. However, as explained in this article an SMC Interim Visa’s range of restrictions and pitfalls has drawbacks for some people.  

To be eligible for an SMC Interim Visa, a migrant: 

  • must be in New Zealand, and  
  • must hold a current temporary visa that has not yet expired, and 
  • must apply for an SMC Resident Visa under the new SR3 instructions, and 
  • has not been granted a 2021 Interim Visa, and 
  • has not applied for another temporary visa. 

An SMC Interim Visa is not assured

An SMC Interim Visa cannot be applied for, nor is an applicant guaranteed to receive one. Granted at the absolute discretion of Immigration New Zealand (INZ), there is also no right of appeal against a decision not to grant an SMC Interim Visa.  

From our experience many migrants assume that they receive an interim visa and don’t consider their options. This is where migrants can encounter complications and can get into trouble. Migrants need to be cautious if they are relying on receiving an SMC Interim Visa as it may not be granted if, the migrant: 

  • has particular alerts or warnings related to their character in INZ’s system; 
  • has an active appeal; 
  • is liable for deportation; 
  • has an open case with the Deputy Secretary of INZ or the Minister of Immigration; or 
  • holds a visa that has been granted because the Immigration and Protection Tribunal has ordered the grant of the visa under either section 210 or 216 of the Immigration Act. 

An SMC Interim Visa expiry date is outcome dependent  

If granted, an SMC Interim Visa is valid for up to 24 months and has multiple entry travel conditions. This means that, generally, migrants can travel outside New Zealand and return while holding an SMC Interim Visa. However, since an SMC Interim Visa’s expiry date depends on the outcome of an SMC application, if a migrant is outside of New Zealand when their SMC application is refused, they would have a limited time to return to New Zealand. This can create unforeseen difficulties for many migrants.  

It’s important for migrants to understand that an SMC Interim Visa will expire or be cancelled: 

  • on the date the SMC Resident Visa is granted if INZ approves the visa within 24 months; or 
  • two months after the date INZ declines the application or if the SMC application is withdrawn; or 
  • after 24 months if no decision has been made from the start date of an interim visa. 

Restrictions of an SMC Interim Visa  

A holder of an SMC Interim Visa is unable to apply for a visa of any other class or type. If an SMC Resident Visa application is declined or withdrawn, SMC Interim Visa holders will either need to leave New Zealand before their interim visa expires or risk becoming unlawful.  

Further restrictions that can create significant problems for migrants include: 

  • inability to support a partner’s or dependent child’s visa application; 
  • limited ability to change most of the conditions of an SMC Interim Visa. 

Consider your options carefully before accepting an SMC Interim Visa

We recommend that migrants carefully consider all their options before they go down the path of holding an SMC Interim Visa.  

Pitt & Moore can assist with SMC Resident Visa applications as well as advise on risks associated with an SMC Interim Visa in your circumstance. If you have any questions about the SMC Interim Visa do not hesitate to contact us on 03 548 8349.  

white and red labeled box

Accredited Employer Work Visa Changes

By Lavinia Askin

7 December 2023

On 27 November 2023, Immigration New Zealand (INZ) increased the maximum continuous stay and visa length for the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV). In this article we provide an overview of what this means for migrant workers and employers.

Maximum continuous stay

The maximum continuous stay is the total time a person can hold AEWV(s) before they must spend time outside of New Zealand to be eligible for a further AEWV.

The maximum continuous stay has been extended to five years for migrant workers paid at or above the median wage, or the level 4 pay rate for the care workforce sector. This is counted from when the first AEWV was issued, or when the worker arrived in New Zealand (if their AEWV was granted while they were offshore).

When the maximum continuous stay is reached, generally AEWV holders must leave New Zealand for a specific duration period of time – usually 12 months.  Once the individuals have spent this required time outside New Zealand, their clock restarts and they will become eligible to apply for a further AEWV.  

It is advisable that migrant workers (and their employers) plan ahead and seek immigration advice on their ability to remain in New Zealand.  This is because some individuals may be eligible for an alternative work or resident visa, and may not need to depart New Zealand and leave their employment.

Longer visa length

INZ has also increased the maximum visa length of AEWVs to five years for people earning at least the median wage.  In addition, it has increased the maximum visa length of AEWVs to three years for individuals in the care workforce sector paid the level 3 and 4 pay rates. This change will benefit employers in the care workforce sector who are experiencing significant staff shortages.

Current AEWVs will not automatically extend to the longer visa length. Those with an existing AEWV may be eligible to apply for another AEWV to obtain the visa balance for the maximum visa length. 

Accredited Employers can support their employee to apply for their AEWV balance if they are paid at least the median wage or they are employed as part of the care workforce sector agreement. In certain circumstances, employers will not need to complete another Job Check for the role. We recommend that employers seek immigration advice and assistance with this process ahead of time.

When can people apply for another AEWV?

INZ expects a significant number of people to be eligible for AEWV renewals for the balance of five years, and have advised that it will generally only start processing balance applications when an individual’s current AEWV expiry date is within the next nine months. The visa applications for partners and dependent children will also be on hold until the AEWV application is decided.

In the event that a migrant worker’s current AEWV expires before their balance application is completed, they are likely to be issued with an interim visa allowing them to remain in New Zealand and continue working in their current role for up to six months.

These are significant changes

Pitt & Moore is here to help if you need advice or assistance understanding these changes to the AEWV. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our immigration team.

Calling all employers – changes are coming, are you ready?

By Elly Fleming

17 November 2023

Migrant exploitation fixes to impact all employers of migrants

Media coverage over the last year or so about migrant exploitation has the country concerned. And rightly so. How some migrant employees have been treated by scammers is nothing short of inhumane.

This bad behaviour by a few has seen regulatory consequences for all. There has been an increase in workplace investigations with joint compliance efforts by the Labour Inspectorate and Immigration New Zealand (INZ). There are also new powers for enforcement agencies to access employment documents, the establishment of a whistleblower hotline, and legislation that will impact every employer of migrant employees, even the good employers who might make a genuine minor mistake.

Coming into force on 6 January 2024 is The Worker Protection (Migrant and Other Employees) Act, which amends the employer offences and penalties in the Immigration Act 2009, the Employment Relations Act 2000 and the Companies Act 1993. 

At a high level, the Act establishes a system of offences and penalties, with the primary aim of deterring employers (irrespective of their accreditation status with INZ) from exploiting migrant employees. Among its key provisions, is the creation of new infringement offence for lower-level breaches of employing a person in a manner inconsistent with the terms of their work visa. This carries both infringement fees of up to $3,000 per employee (which immigration Officers or Labour Inspectors can issue), and the possibility of larger court-imposed fines. There will also be ‘strict liability’ in place, so the employer will be guilty of the breach regardless of whether they can show a genuine mistake was made or where they made fair attempts to be compliant.

Other important changes that all employers need to be aware of include facilitating information-sharing between Immigration Officers and Labour Inspectors and giving Immigration Officers powers to require the provision of employment records, for example their wage and time records.

Under this legislation, infringement notices identifying employers can be published. This naming and shaming of employers creates a further deterrent  in addition to the existing stand down list for non-compliant employers maintained by MBIE.

Lastly, under this legislation the High Court has been granted the authority to disqualify individuals who have been convicted of exploiting employees and temporary workers under the Immigration Act 2009, or individuals involved in trafficking in persons offenses under the Crimes Act 1961, from serving as directors of New Zealand companies.

In summary, these changes combined represents a significant shift in workplace relations policy and will have major implications for employers and employees, including the following:

  • Immigration Officers or Labour Inspectors will be able to name and shame as well as fine employers (irrespective of whether they hold accreditation status with INZ) for any breach in their migrant employee’s work-related visa conditions, even for small and accidental breaches;
  • Immigration Officers will be able to more easily obtain and check employment related documents as part of ongoing compliance efforts;
  • migrant employees will be able to ask Labour Inspectors to enforce their entitlement not just to minimum wages but to the wages their visa conditions stipulate.

With respect to accredited employers, there are even greater implications. Accredited employers have an obligation to notify INZ of any changes to their compliance with INZ’s accredited employer rules within 10 working days of this being identified. INZ expect that accredited employers notify them even of minor breaches (for example where a migrant employee works in a different location to the one specified in their visa conditions or where a migrant employee works for a brief period while they did not have a right to work). Accordingly, by doing the right thing and self-reporting, accredited employers will be penalised even more from 6 January. Plus, there is a risk that their accreditation status may not be renewed.

It is critical for employers to be aware of these changes and get their processes right.

Moving in the same direction as Australia

The changes coming next year for us, are already in place in Australia, with a few differences. Their experiences give us foresight, which is useful for our preparedness.

When coming into power, the current Australian Government found that the enforcement of employer breaches was lacking, so they have recently increased the resourcing of enforcement agencies.

How enforcement of the new rules will work in New Zealand and how it will be resourced is uncertain, but $50 million has been ringfenced for investigations into workplace non-compliance allegations.

Other changes happening over the next few months

Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) – longer processing

Recent adjustments to the AEWV assessment approach means INZ is asking employers for additional information confirming:

1. job vacancies are current,
2. vacancies are genuine and
3. whether employers can support the migrants they plan to hire.

These requests have caused an increase in processing times for the Employer Accreditation and Job Check phases. Because of this, Job Check applications are currently taking approximately eight weeks to be processed. Employers need to plan ahead and be prepared for longer processing times.

Labour hire (triangular) employment threshold change from 15% to 35%

From 27 November 2023, there are significant changes for accredited employers who are labour hire employment firms with triangular employment arrangements, ie. where they assign their migrant employee to work with another business in specific construction occupations.

At least 35% of these firms’ labour hire workforce will need to be made up of New Zealand citizens and residents in full-time employment – an increase from 15%. This threshold is being assessed at both the Accreditation and Job Check stages. As an already accredited employer, if you don’t meet the new threshold but continued to meet the 15% threshold, you won’t lose your accreditation, although, INZ will not approve a further Job Check until you meet the 35%.

New median wage to apply from February 2024

A new median hourly wage of $31.61 will be adopted in February 2024 (date tbc). This means that most wage thresholds indexed to the median wage will be updated to reflect this, including the AEWV, the Skilled Migrant Category, and some occupations covered by Sector Agreements and the Green List.

Now is the time to get ready

Many New Zealand employers would benefit from considering implementing better standards of governance and compliance risk oversight, as well as systems for management of operational risks related to immigration and employment. The consequences of either immigration or employment non-compliance can be significant.

In particular, with The Worker Protection (Migrant and Other Employees) Act changes coming into play early in the new year, we strongly advise that employers make sure they are ready now, before we get into the busy holiday period.

With the new 0800 number enabling allegations of non-compliance to be reported easily, and an uptake in people going straight to the media, before having a conversation with their employer, employers’ understanding and implementation of best practice is crucial. Please contact us for assistance in getting ready for these significant changes.

Pitt & Moore provide expert advice on immigration, employment and visa rules and processes so please contact us for some expert guidance.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this publication is of a general nature and is not intended as legal advice. It is important that you seek legal advice that is specific to your circumstances.