Pitt & Moore for a number of years have maintained a strong and growing practice in providing legal advice to the forestry sector.
With our blend of industry knowledge and technical expertise, we deliver solutions to legal issues that are pragmatic and clearly add value to each transaction.
Our forestry sector specialists work with experts, across our other practice areas, to deliver a wide range of services.
We offer advice on:
Position: Partner
Email: anissa.bain@pittandmoore.co.nz
DDI: +64 3 545 7894
The Resource Consent Process
New Standards for Plantation Forestry
Why Every Business Needs a Lawyer
78 Selwyn Place
Nelson 7010
Phone: +64 3 548 8349
Fax: 03 546 9153
Email: mail@pittandmoore.co.nz
Postal address
PO Box 42, Nelson 7040
DX WC70013
66 Oxford Street
Richmond 7020
Phone: +64 3 543 9090
Fax: 03 546 9153
Email: mail@pittandmoore.co.nz
Postal address
PO Box 42, Nelson 7040
DX WC70013
It's Pitt & Moore policy that we are only able to have in person meetings with fully vaccinated clients. All clients will have to scan their My Vaccine Pass on arrival. If that is not possible, please let us know and we will make alternative arrangements.