By Hannah McCarthy
8 January 2024
An Interim Visa allows a migrant worker on a temporary visa to be in New Zealand legally while they await the outcome of their further temporary visa application.
Generally, Immigration New Zealand (INZ) issues Interim Visas automatically unless certain conditions apply, and from our experience this is where migrant workers and their employers can encounter complications and can get into trouble.
Interim Visas can expire:
If a visa application is withdrawn or declined, the 21 days allow a migrant to leave New Zealand while remaining lawful or request INZ to reconsider the decision, if they want them to.
Interim Visa holders with work rights can generally continue to work during the 21 days following a withdrawal or declined visa application.
It’s also important to keep in mind that an Interim Visa will not automatically be granted by INZ if the migrant:
In any of the above cases, the decision about whether a migrant worker will be granted an Interim Visa is made by an Immigration Officer. For this reason, it’s vital for employers and migrants to closely monitor visa expiry dates and get expert advice as soon as possible.
Our team at Pitt & Moore can help you navigate all aspects of visa applications, advising on any issues that may prevent an Interim Visa from being issued and assisting with last-minute temporary visa applications.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this publication is of a general nature and is not intended as legal advice. It is important that you seek legal advice that is specific to your circumstances.
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